How to Get Rid of a Spider Nest in House

Spiders are among the most dreaded house pests. And not because they sting like mosquitoes or destroy like mice, but because most people are frightened by them. Spiders are nocturnal. They prefer to hide during the day and come out looking for food at night. However, it’s still possible to see spiders during the day.

When spiders enter your home, they look for dark and secluded areas to build a nest. They use the nest to hold their eggs till they hatch. You may have a large infestation if you don’t get rid of the nest on time. If you cannot eliminate spiders and their nests alone, it’s best to seek professional pest control assistance.

If you spot several spiders in your house, that could indicate you have an infestation. You need to immediately look for their nest and get rid of them before it gets worse. Below is a guide on how to get rid of spider nests in the house.

What Is a Spider Nest?

A spider nest is a structure built by female spiders to shelter their eggs and, in some cases, their spiderlings. Different species of spiders construct different types of nests, varying in size, shape, and location.

A nest will hold one or several egg sacs, which could contain hundreds to over a thousand eggs. The purpose of the nest is to protect the eggs and young spiders from predators and environmental conditions.

The female spider will guard the eggs till they hatch. However, in some spider species, the female will die before or after the eggs hatch, and the spiderlings will have to fend for themselves. So, if you see young spiders in your house, know there is more hiding in the dark corners.

Differences Between Spider Nest and Web

Both spider nests and webs are made using silk, so it’s alright if you are confused. Spotting either of them indicates the presence of spiders in your house. The main difference between them is their purpose. As mentioned above, spiders make nests to protect their eggs until they hatch. On the other hand, spiders make webs to catch prey or act as shelters.

Do I Need to Get Rid of the Spider Nest?

Common house spiders prefer to stay out of sight. For this reason, it’s unlikely for them to bite you. And even if they do, they might not cause severe injury unless you are allergic. Although all spiders are venomous, they use it to paralyze small insects, and the amount can barely affect a healthy human being.

Spiders may be helpful in your home. You’ll notice a decrease in house pests like house flies as soon as they arrive. But if you let them stay, soon enough, you will have an infestation. For this reason, it’s best to get rid of them and any other house pests as quickly as possible.

Where to Find Spider Nests?

Spiders like to stay hidden, so it’s unlikely to find their nests in open spaces. The best way to find their nests is to look in dark areas and corners of your house. It can be under the furniture, sink, corners of high ceilings, attic, basement, or any room with clutter.

They can also nest outdoors in debris, bushes, or logs. The spider nest will appear as a spider web with small whitish-to-cream round or oval silk sacs.

How to Get Rid of a Spider Nest in House

Once you have located the spider nests, the immediate action is to spray them with spider-killing spray so the spiderling can’t escape. Use a vacuum cleaner and collect all the nests. Secure vacuum contents in a plastic bag and dispose of them.

If you don’t have a vacuum, you can use a broom and collect them with a dustpan. Next, use a duster to remove all cobwebs and spray insecticide to kill other spiders within the house.

If you don’t want to use insecticide, here are other methods you can use;

  • Pour boiling water on the nest
  • Mix bleach and water and sprinkle on the eggs
  • Mix essential oils like peppermint, tea tree, and olive oil and sprinkle the mixture on the nest.

Afterward, vacuum the spider nests and dispose of them.

To eliminate other spiders in the house without using insecticide, put eucalyptus springs around the house or spray a mixture of essential oils. Moreover, you can use diatomous earth, glue traps, a mixture of Apple cider vinegar, and dishwashing soap.

How to Keep Spiders Away

Once you get rid of spider nests, you must ensure the spiders don’t return to build more nests. Here are steps you can take to keep spiders away from your home.

  • Maintain a clean house – regularly vacuum and sweep corners, basements, and any secluded part of your house.
  • Clean all debris around your house.
  • Seal all cracks and crevices to prevent spiders from entering the house.
  • Minimize outdoor lighting – bright light attracts insects like flies, and spiders follow them.