6 How-To Secrets for the Perfect Roof

If you are looking to have your roof repaired or replaced then you’re going to want to make sure that you get the right people for the job and that you understand the work that is going to be done. As your roof protects your home from all that mother nature can throw at it, you need it to be built correctly with no cutting of corners.

How do you make sure that you are dealing with a contractor that will do the job right the first time? The answer is simple, know your stuff. If you are familiar with the basics of roof repair and installation you will be able to ask the right questions before you have committed to anything. So, without further ado here’s what you need to know.

1. Reputation matters

Every roofing contractor knows that they have to keep their reputation intact so that they are able to stay in business. Word of mouth is very important in this industry so you should make it known how pleased you are with their service at every stage of the process. Keeping the communication open and honest between yourself and your contractor is very important.

2. Start with the sheeting

Your contractor is going to need to know how to build and maintain a roof from start to finish. The sheeting is a weather-resistant and level surface on which to put your new roof. Your existing sheeting is one of the first things we look at when we inspect your house and write up your estimate. Even if you have a leak in your roof, the sheeting you have now might be good quality plywood and may be fine or need to only be touched up in certain areas. You should make sure that your roofing installation expert inspects this part of your roof.

3. The gutters

You will want to make sure that your gutters are in good condition and that they are able to direct the water away from your house without any hindrance. This could mean that they need to be replaced or upgraded. This is important not only for the health of your roof but also for your foundations. If water is allowed to pool anywhere it can cause damage over time as it can erode your roofing materials and the foundations on the side of your house. This can also be the cause of attic and basement flooding too.

4. The flashing

The flashing on your roof may need to be upgraded as you will want to ensure that there is no possibility of leaks anywhere. In addition to the gutter edge flashing, your roof has flashings at many other critical points. These include fireplaces, the valleys in the roof, around skylights, around plumbing vents and anywhere roof and siding meet. Brand new flashing is needed, if you re-use roof flashings they can easily cause leakage and very expensive problems further down the line. They also don’t look nearly as nice.

5. Ventilation is key

You will need to speak to your roofing specialist about the ventilation in your attic. The proper method of ensuring airflow in your attic is a ridge venting system. These are structures with air vents located under the ridge cap shingles. The system provides the desired airflow in the attic while maintaining watertight integrity.

6. Is the guarantee valuable?

You need to make sure that you have a guarantee from the contractor on the work that they do. This is one of the first questions that you should ask and make sure that you understand what is covered in detail. You don’t want any surprises down the road should you need to make a claim.